Author. Overthinker. Provocateur.

Celebrating female power
I wrote My Thirty-First Year (And Other Calamities) to help normalize abortion and the conversation around it. Facts matter, and abortion has been a fact of daily life for centuries. I also wanted to reduce shame and stigma around some of the other challenges women face, like toxic relationships, divorce, dating, pregnancy and motherhood, biological clocks, and bad sex. Everything I write aims to validate women's experiences, inspire candid conversation about them, and celebrate female power . . . with a healthy dose of humor.
On her 30th birthday . . .
. . . Yale-educated Zoe Greene was supposed to be married to her high-school sweetheart, pregnant with their first baby, and practicing law in Chicago. Instead, she’s planning an abortion and filing for divorce. Zoe wants to understand why her plans failed—to move on, have sex, and date while there's still time. As she navigates dysfunctional penises, a paucity of grammatical online dating profiles, and her paralyzing fear of aging alone, she grapples with the pressure women feel to put others first. Her family, friends, incomparable therapist, and diary of never-to-be-sent letters to her first loves, the rock band, U2, help Zoe learn to let go—of society’s constructs of female happiness, and of her own.

Named a
"Best Audiobook
of 2022"
by Library Journal

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author photo credit: Alvaro Montagna